林秀蓮, 朱宏杰*, 結合遙測及共享單車時空數據於都市土地使用分類及模擬, 國土測繪與空間資訊
陳聿新, 朱宏杰*, 近三十年曾文溪出海口濕地變遷觀測, 2024, 濕地學刊, 第十二卷第一期
郭彥廉, 朱宏杰*, 楊雅量, 楊淨雯, 范峻達, 蔣昊澐, 2024, 應用夜間燈光量測經濟活動及區域所得, 國土測繪與空間資訊. 12 (1), 1-24
蔡怡萱, 邱靜如, 朱宏杰*, 2019, 台灣各縣市高齡者密度及公車資源之空間分析, 台灣公共衛生雜誌, 38卷3期,252 – 264
饒芳如, 朱宏杰, 曾義星, 整合SIFT與平面轉換整體平差於歷史航照影像自動對位, 航測及遙測學刊
朱宏杰, 曾義星, 江凱偉, 2016, 導入專業測繪成果於開放街圖, 航測及遙測學刊
朱宏杰, 巫燁棋, 蔡光哲, 2016, 結合智慧手機與Kinect之跌倒偵測監控平台開發, 國土測繪與空間資訊,4:2 2016.07, 頁87-101
莊昀、陳冠宇、朱宏杰、避難救災空間資訊系統之整合與開發,地理資訊系統季刊6(3), 33-37, 2012
國外著作請參考 GOOGLE學術搜尋
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H.-J. Chu*, C-Y Liu, C-K Wang, 2013, Identifying the Relationships between Water Quality and Land Cover Changes in the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Watershed of Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 10(2):478-489
Lin, Y.-P., N.-M. Hong, L.-C. Chiang, Y.-L. Liu, H.-J. Chu, 2012, Adaptation of land-use demands to the impact of climate change on the hydrological processes of an urbanized watershed, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2012, 9, 4083-4102
H.J. Chu, CY Lin, CJ Liau, YM Kuo, 2012, Identifying Controlling Factors of Ground-level Ozone Levels over Southwestern Taiwan Using a Decision Tree, Atmospheric Environment, 60, 142-152.
H.J. Chu, C.J. Liau, C.H. Lin, B.S. Su, 2012, Integration of fuzzy cluster analysis and kernel density estimation for tracking typhoon trajectories in the Taiwan region, Expert systems with applications, 39 (10), 9451-9457 (Impact factor: 1.926; Rank 15th/75=20% in Operations Research and Management Science in 2010, SCI).
H.J. Chu, HL Yu, Y.M. Kuo, 2012, Identifying spatial mixture distributions of PM2.5 and PM10 in Taiwan during and after a dust storm, Atmospheric Environment 54 (2012) 728-737 (Impact factor: 3.226; Rank 24th/193=12.4% in Environmental Sciences in 2010, SCI)..
H.J. Chu, TY Pan, J.J. Liou, 2012, Change-Point Detection of Long-Duration Extreme Precipitation and the Effect on Hydrologic Design: A Case Study of South Taiwan, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26 (8), 1123-1130. (Impact factor 1.777, Rank 14/115=12.1%, Civil engineering in 2010)
Wang, Y.C., Y.P. Lin, C.W. Huang, Li-Chi Chiang, H.J. Chu, W.S. Ou , 2012, A system dynamic model and sensitivity analysis for simulating domestic pollution removal in a free water surface constructed wetland, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution Volume 223, Number 5 (2012), 2719-2742. (Impact factor: 1.765; Rank 19th/76=25% in Water Resources in 2010, SCI
HJ Chu*, 2012, Assessing the relationships between elevation and extreme precipitation with various durations in southern Taiwan using spatial regression models, Hydrological Processes, 184 (10), 5971-5982. (Impact factor: 2.068; Rank 10th/76=13% in Water Resources in 2010, SCI)
HL Yu and HJ Chu*, 2012, Recharge signal identification based on groundwater level observations, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184, (10), 5971-5982 (Impact factor: 1.436; Rank 106th/193=54% in Environmental Sciences in 2010, SCI).
L.C. Chang, H.J. Chu*, C.T. Hsiao, 2012, Integration of Optimal Dynamic Control and Neural Network for Groundwater Quality Management, Water Resources Management 26, 5, 1253-1269. (Impact factor 2.201, Rank 8/115=6.9%, Civil engineering in 2010)
Y.M. Kuo, H.J. Chu*, TY Pan, H.L.Yu, 2011. Investigating common trends of annual maximum rainfalls during heavy rainfall events in southern Taiwan, Journal of Hydrology 409 (3-4) 749-758.(Impact factor 2.514, Rank 3/76=3.9%, Water Resources in 2010)
Wu C.F., Lai C.H., Chu H.J., Lin W.H., 2011, Evaluating and Mapping of Spatial Air Ion Quality Patterns in a Residential Garden Using a Geostatistic Method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 8(6):2304-2319.(SCI)
H.J. Chu, T.Y. Pan, J.J. Liou, 2011, Extreme Precipitation Estimation with Typhoon Morakot Using Frequency and Spatial Analysis, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 22, (6), 549-558 (Impact factor 0.590, Rank 142 /167=85%, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary in 2010)
Y.P. Lin, Cheng B.Y., Chu* H.J., Chang T.K., H.L. Yu, 2011, Assessing how heavy metal pollution and human activity are related by using logistic regressions and kriging methods. Geoderma 163 (3-4), 275-282. (Impact factor 2.178, Rank 5/ 32=15.6% Soil Science in 2010)
Y.P. Lin, C.R. Chang, H.J. Chu*, B.Y. Cheng, 2011. Identifying the spatial mixture distribution of bird diversity across urban and suburban areas in the metropolis: a case study in Taipei Basin of Taiwan, Landscape and Urban Planning 102 (3): 156-163. (Impact factor 2.004, Rank 3/36=8.3% Urban Studies in 2010)