

Our mission is to generate space-time insights from remote sensing, big data and open data for environment, business and daily life. In advance of state-of-the-art in spatial information: Understanding patterns, change, relationships, reasoning, model, prediction and problem solving. 

Our current research covers four key themes: 1. Environmental Resilience, 2. Human Mobility, 3. Health, 4. Business Intelligence.



1. 城市大數據時空分析

2. 點資料與遙測面資訊融合

3. 遙測影像於水文應用

4. 整合行動裝置與地理資訊系統之應用與分析

5. 自發性地理資訊Volunteered geographic information (VGI)

6. 空間資訊科學 Geospatial Information Science

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